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Tony Agresti        Keith Davis          DiLecia Childress

Michele Owen      Annie Paladino    Soren Santos

Addie Ulrey          Elizabeth Wand    Philip Wharton


Writer & Director: Amy Sass
Assistant Director: Keith Davis
Dramaturg: Adam Sussman


Set: Erik LaDue

Costume: Abra Berman
Composer & Sound Design: Laura Inserra
Lighting: Linda Baumgartner
Ice Design: Carter Brooks
Props: Djuna Odegard

Stage Managers: Mary Matabor & Sam Young

Production Manager: Anna Shneiderman

"Wildly inventive but precise physicality...The show chronicles how time insensitive we are, how we manipulate time to meet the demands of an increasingly demanding society while our bodies, slow to evolve to help us meet those new demands, stubbornly march to their own biological beat. What, this production asks, are the stakes and consequences of those conflicting rhythms?




A crack is growing. The shape of time is changing. Only a few can see it.


The City swallowed the world. It ate the day and the night. It ate the tides and the seasons. Now there are only seconds and nanoseconds and a constant insatiable GO. Speed is power, status is vertical, and time is literally up.


This daring new play by Artistic Director Amy Sass combines clockwork choreography, rhythmic fugue and melting ice into a fantastical tale that urgently asks: How do we hold a moment if we constantly crave the next big thing? 

"Curious beauty...dialogue defying, sumptuously-devised ritual"

-SF Bay Guardian


"Ice took the main stage, with a dripping block signifying both the passage of time and the impermanence of the material world… a frenetic roller coaster of status seekers and secret keepers… inventively explored common themes of moral decay and the follies of keeping up appearances in a society full of questionable values and diminishing spiritual rewards."

-SF Bay Guardian, Bravo! Highlights 2013









"...highly stylized movement...pulse-ratcheting music from the language and cadence of modern urban life...workers who must drain every cell in their bodies for the dubious purpose of lurching their machine—a project, a company, a system—forward.


...women can accelerate their pregnancy; Tilly elects to complete hers in a month, and its botching is among the most harrowing moments I’ve seen onstage. The baby pops out after only a day in the womb, and with each step it takes it ages years. In seconds it has grown up and walked away from its mother before she’s gotten a chance to talk to it or touch it. It’s a searing comment on the cold, calculating way our society talks about pregnancy: as time away from career building; as an explanatory note on a lackluster resume; as a quantifiable liability to be minimized as much as possible."

- Lili Janiak, Howlround



And edge of the city crept closer
Ice Monk
Buy sell buy sell buy sell buy
Clockwork Kid is born
Ice Monk carrying ice
Ice Monk's Ritual
You gotta take it. Take take take take it.
Shit work shit work shit work shit
Ice Monks sing Da Pachem Cordiem
How many plates can you carry?
Office Workers: It's terminal.
The wallet heist
Ice Monk song
From the top all you see is city
Clockwork Kid
Clockwork Kid & Clockmaker
Nick & Bill bond over pink drinks
Bill and his pink drink
Wallet collection
Tilly's serious cupcake
Office Intern
Advanced Development Program.jpg
Till begins Advanced Development Program.jpg
Clockmaker lands in the Now.jpg
Ice Monk ritual.jpg
Ice Monks in the center of Now.jpg
Nick BASE jumping
Kid makes the dark heart beat
The dark heart beats again
Roach & Bill- the asshole at the top
Tilly's child grows in seconds
Kid gains life & the ability to die
They will hold it as long as they can
Floating down, safe for now

PHOTO GALLERY- Click image below to get expanded view.

"A mogul, afraid of heights, in the penthouse of the tallest building, riding the fastest elevator down, while a daredevil elevator engineer skydives insteadAn aging watchmaker & his collection of clocks tended by The Kid, a mechanical man... Shiny monks hefting blocks of ice, chanting a liturgy about Time... The scams of a street couple... An up-&-coming manager, hoping to pre-plan her family down to the nanosecond of her daily schedule... Ragged Wing Ensemble's new original, 'Time Sensitive,' written & directed by co-founder & artistic director Amy Sass, folds together the ingredients into a theatrical souffle that rises & rises ... Building on movement theater styles—& the ensemble movements are among the best..."

- Berkeley Daily Planet



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